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Why Patreaon? 


Brooklyn Education Center has been helping teachers pass their NYSTCE (New York State Teachers Certification Exams) for the last 10 years. We have worked with over 30,000 clients as we developed successful test prep strategies.


In light of our success, we here at BEC feel it is our moral responsibility to continue our mission of helping dedicated teachers to get into the classroom. Despite this moral imperative, we do not believe as good citizens that we can ask teachers to attend classes in person during a pandemic of historic proportion. So, we are transitioning our material to free online video presentations. We are doing this despite the loss of revenue and potential loss of control of our intellectual property. We do it because it's the right thing to do.


We are asking for your help in this endeavor by being a contributor via our Patreon account which will allow you to contibute a small monthly sum of $2, $3, or $5 according to your budget and use the available materials. Even a full year at the $5 level is less than half the cost of a single class. Patreon is an established safe community application geared to allow you to support online content providers such as BEC in a simple but meaningful way.


Contributions via Patreon will be used to defray the production costs and help get our presentations online faster. These presentations will not just be a four hour online class, but multiple easily digestible instructional videos presented in 30 minutes or less. These videos will be accompanied by supporting material when necessary.

Our Patreon page:


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